Live On The Edge, Baby!

Welcome to EgeBetting, the Internet’s home for crazy stories of high-risk betting and all the hottest news that comes with it. In our goal to become a one-stop-shop for all things related to gambling, we’ve got tips on how to become a high-risk gambling master, to the ins and outs of some of the world’s hottest casinos and casino bonuses. If you’re curious about something, odds are good that we’ve got the information you need on it.

Ready To Take A Chance?

Go on, have a punt at life… But make sure you’re gambling at the right institutions. Here’s our list of the best big win casinos and sports bookies online:

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At EgeBetting, we more than understand the allure of high-risk betting and want to help others not only share our enthusiasm, but also learn a few things along the way that will aid them in getting as much fun as possible out of their visits to casinos. To that end, we’ve created this site as a way of highlighting some of the coolest and strangest stories about casinos, as well as offering tips and advice to help make gambling as pleasurable an experience as possible.

Remember Your First Time?

Everyone remembers their first visit to a casino, the first time they put their money down and felt the rush of adrenaline as they either lost or won it all. Our goal is to capture that feeling and encapsulate it on this site, with new features constantly being added to make the excitement of seeing our updates second only to the excitement of a big play at the casino.